Kingsley Area Rug

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Color: Blue
Sale price$255.00 Regular price$339.00


Elevate your home decor with our unique rug collection that boasts an innovative manufacturing process. Each piece is created using a cutting-edge system that allows for a wide range of colors, shadings, and textures to be incorporated into the design. The result is a collection of rugs that are as unique and full of character as they are beautiful. With the ability to mimic the look of handmade rugs complete with distressed details, our rugs offer an authentic touch to any space without the hefty price tag. Made with high-quality polyester and featuring a cotton backing, these rugs are durable and built to last. Our Contemporary Blue and Multi rug is the perfect addition to your home, adding a touch of color and style to any room. Power-loomed for precision and accuracy, this rug is both beautiful and functional. Upgrade your decor with our collection today!


  • Area Rug 5' X 7'

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