Josie Area Rug

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Color: Off-White
Sale price$210.00 Regular price$279.00


These beautiful rugs are designed to provide maximum comfort to your feet, with a faux rabbit fur construction that is both soft and luxurious. They are made from 100% polyester, ensuring that no adorable critters were harmed in their production.

The rugs come in an off-white color, which is both neutral and versatile, and can be paired with any home decor style. The rugs also feature a tie-dye design, reminiscent of the carefree years of the 60s and 70s, which adds a burst of life into any room.

With a contemporary design, the rugs have a thickness of 0.35 inches, which adds to their plush feel. They come with a non-slip canvas backing that ensures they stay securely in place on any surface. The rugs are machine-made, which ensures quality and attention to detail in their production.

Overall, these rugs are a great choice for anyone looking to add a touch of comfort and style to their home. With their faux rabbit fur construction, tie-dye design, and non-slip backing, they are a perfect addition to any room. Whether you're looking to add a touch of luxury to your living room, bedroom, or any other space in your home, these rugs are a great option.


  • Area Rug 5' x 7'

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