Paige Area Rug

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Color: Warm Gray
Size: 5' X 8'
Sale price$270.00 Regular price$359.00


Are you struggling to find a single solid-color rug to tie your room together? Look no further than our exclusive collection, where simplicity meets convenience. We understand that sometimes all you need is a beautifully crafted, solid-color rug to complete your decor. That's why we've developed this collection, featuring a variety of colors and sizes to suit your needs. Our rugs are made with high-quality, continuous filament for durability and feature a hard latex backing for stability. Expertly made in the USA, our rugs are designed to withstand everyday wear and tear while adding a touch of elegance to your space. Elevate your decor with simplicity at its finest and shop our exclusive collection today.


  • Small Area Rug 5' X 8'
  • Medium Area Rug 8' X 10'

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